Friday, July 3, 2020

Networking isnt all bad. - Copeland Coaching

Networking isnt all bad. I have a question for you. It’s a very important one. Think back to the time when you landed your last job. How did you get it? Did you apply online? Did a friend or former coworker help you? My guess is there’s at least a 50% chance that someone helped you. They were in some way an advocate for you, providing a great reference, or just passing your resume on to the right person. So, what would make your job search today any different? Nothing! Although websites like and made it easier than ever to apply online, it doesn’t change the fact that an in person connection is incredibly helpful. If you have negative feelings about networking, you’re not alone. I hear from many people every day that they feel badly to ask someone to have a coffee. They feel guilty because they don’t believe they’re bringing anything to the table. And, worse of all (in their minds), they need something. They need help with their job search. So, lets break this apart a little. First, if the person youre meeting is successful in their own career, theres pretty much a 100% chance that they network. Yes. They didnt get to where they are by being brilliant alone. Theyve been fostering relationships all along the way. They understand how this works. Second, you may perceive you bring nothing to the table, but is that really true? Here are a few examples of what you might bring and havent even thought of: You might be their perfect future employee You might know someone who could be perfect for a role theyre trying to fill You might be able to partner with them on a project You might know someone theyd like to be connected to at a company where theyre looking You might know a vendor they need an introduction to You might be able to provide some free insight on something you know about that they dont (whether this is how to repair a computer or which restaurant they should take a client to) You might help one of their friends or family members You might hire them in the future after youve found a new job You might just provide friendship when theyre in a time of need Often, you have no idea what you might bring to the table because, until you sit down with someone, you dont know what they might need in return. And, networking is a long term endeavor of relationship building. Its not a quick business transaction. I remember when I first came out of college and began devoting energy to networking. Networking was the most exciting word to me at the time because it meant making business friends. And, who cant use a few more friends? Honestly though, the best time to network is now. If you dont need something today, reach out to someone else who might. Building up your own good will can be a significant help in the future when you do need assistance. If youre not sure where to look, try these ideas first: Check your LinkedIn Is there someone you havent spoken to in a while? Check out Find new local networking events and special interest groups. Ask close friends and family Warm introductions to new connections can go a long way! Whatever you do, get out there and start networking. The bigger and more diverse your network is, the more likely it is youll be able to find help when you need it. I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, dont hesitate to reach out to me here. Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If youve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. Happy hunting! Angela Copeland @CopelandCoach

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